About me

I am a musician, video artist, media programmer & teacher; originally from Germany, but living in the Netherlands for almost 20 years. I'm tutor at the Frank Mohr Institute Groningen (FMI) for the Master cource MADtech, and I also teach things like programming in Max/MSP. A lot of my work is in the form of projects, which can be long-term endeavours or once-only events.

Generally, these take place in the field of music, video, programming and art.


I play soprano + tenor saxophone, flute, pataphone and theremin.


I consider the electronic effects that I use to transform the sounds of my “proper” instruments an instrument on their own, especially my dear rusty customized DD3, which is my main helper in the creation of live soundscapes.

I did the Instruments & Interfaces Master course that STEIM and the Institute of Sonology offer, and there I develop the electronic part of my setup in multiple dimensions. The result is my Hybrid Instrument.


Programming is a big part of many of my activities, both in interactive visuals and sound processing. Mainly in Max/MSP, but also openFrameworks, node.js etc.


I am core tutor at the FMI Groningen, for the Master course MADtech (Media, Art, Design & technology).