Jan Klug
Poetry Berlin!

Poetry Berlin!

I will perform at Poetry Berlin, in a joined program with musician Broeder Dieleman, poets Frank Keizer, Els Moors, Tsead Bruinja and Lies van Gasse - who will also do the live drawing magic, just like in our previous colaboration.

The description in the programme:

The invited artists from the Netherlands and Belgium will be playing with the diverse styles and sounds of Dutch and Flemish poetry. Together they have developed an unusual inter-disciplinary performance of music, poetry and video art which will be premièred at the 17th poesiefestival berlin: Songs, grooves and poems (gedachte) – played, read and sung live in front of drawings projected on to the screen. From Folk to Electronic, from abstract to anecdotal, from the rawness of Frisia in the north to the gentle Flemings of the south – we can look forward to a treat of movement and being moved.

Written by Jan Klug on Monday May 16, 2016
Permalink - Category: news

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